Join ELC President and CEO, Mike Hyter, and DC area ELC members for the thought-provoking, world-renowned production of The High Ground at Arena Stage in Washington, DC. More than a century after the Tulsa race massacre killed hundreds and destroyed the prosperous Greenwood District, a Black man in army garb still stands his ground on present-day Tulsa's Standpipe Hill. The High Ground is an unexpected love story that traverses space and time and reminds us of what it takes to re-emerge from the devastation of a century, long after the embers have turned to ash.
After the production, ELC members and guests are invited to stay for an engaging networking reception in the Bank of America Lobby hosted by Mike and Tisha Hyter.
Ticket instructions:
This ticket gives you admission to the matinee showing of The High Ground on March 26th at 2pm and access to the networking reception immediately following the production in the Bank of America Lobby at The Arena Stage.